One of the tightest and most aggressive form of your favorite black and white rodent.
V3 of The Mountain see’s the OD switch moved to a footswitch and with a few more adjustments to the circuit we have a quieter but more aggressive update to this pedal
The Mountain (V3) is a highly tuned OD/Dist/Fuzz circuit built for heavy riffs and saturated goodness. Tones from Floyd to Bongripper this pedal will fit anywhere on a board where distortion is needed.
• The right toggle switch for Distortion and OD mode has now been moved to it’s own foot switch for ease on stage use and just a great feature for when transitioning between light and heavy passages on a song or cleaning up for lead.
• The left toggle cycles through the clipping modes.
– 1st is a compressed symmetrical Silicon true to the original
– 2nd is an Asymmetrical Silicon that gives it a more lively and fuller tone but still keeping the gain
– 3rd is a Hybrid that’s thats a full on brick house of a setup
Clipping was setup in a way to increase Db and aggression as you select through.
• Volume – is the overall volume.
• Freq – is the tonal spectrum of the pedal. Counter for a fat thicker tone and Max it for an aggressive thrash like sound.
• Gain – is the overall gain control.